Distance: Full walk 6.1/4 miles (10 km) with 2 mile (3 km) or 4.1/4 mile (7 km) alternatives. On the two longer walks you may meet horses. On the 2 mile walk, only sheep, no horses. The full walk has been shortened by 1/2 mile (3/4 kilometre) from a previous version Owing to stiles and a fence, these walks are not suitable for those with physical disabilities.

Starting Point for all walks: The Lambley Pub/Restaurant in Lambley. Check parking permission with the staff before leaving. Bus services 47 and 47B serve Lambley from Nottingham City and the local area.

Directions for 2 mile and 6.25 mile walks.


Start. With the pub behind you, turn left along Main St. (Lowdham Road) up to Chapel Lane. Cross the main road and take the lane opposite, beside the stream, following it be- tween hedges until crossing boards cover a ditch. Turn right and follow the grassy track until it meets the road.

Take the lane opposite

Cross at the sign, through the gate

Cross at the sign and go through the gate into a wide field. There is no path – head to a gate in a gap on the far skyline. No stile here now – you must climb the fence. Continue ahead, with a hedgerow left and fine views right towards Woodborough, then over a ‘stilish’ barrier where the path is separated from the sheep field.

A gap on the far skyline

Over a ‘stilish’ barrier

Steps to the left of a bungalow take you past Dumble View Nursery where you continue ahead along a very narrow path between gardens left and trees right.

Eventually, before Crimea Farm, the path rises up to a signpost by a stile indicating a sharp right turn down two fields to a wooded area. Over the stile there, to where the path appears to divide. The right-of-way is the narrow path right.

A very narrow path

Path rises up to a signpost

After about 100 yards/metres, take the path left at the marker post, then go via the field edge to a footbridge. Here, as you cross, take your first view of the Top Dumble – an extraordinary ravine in an otherwise placid countryside.

Turn right, where a corner path can take you into this natural adventure playground beloved of local children. It is craggy and rough but a handrail helps if you want to explore it. It’s quite an eye-opener.

First view of Top Dumble

A handrail helps

Otherwise continue round the field edge, perhaps stop- ping at the excellent information display. This field is full of cowslips in April, followed later in summer by a wonderful carpet of colourful wildflowers. Continue to the next bridge immediately on your right. Cross the bridge and continue in the same direction through the trees of Bonney Doles until reaching the school’s large playing field.

Field full of cowslips

Next bridge on right

Directions 4.25 mile walk starts here.


Start: From the restaurant, enter the school grounds, and pass the play area to the stile, right, at Point 1, continuing as below.

If completing the 6.25 mile walk, bear slightly left across the field to the same stile (Point 1) which you cross, heading up half right on the grassy path to a stile in the corner of the second field.

Continue 6.25 m / Finish 2 m

Heading up half right

Cross and exit to Catfoot Lane, turning left for about 100 yards/metres. A signpost marks a right turn and a ladder stile. Four steps up from the roadside, hold on, turn round and six steps down again – easy. Dogs and small children under, to the right, but beware the bar at head height.

Four steps up from the road

Follow the hedgerow left and right down to the path ahead, then half left, passing to the right of another information display, down steps to a footbridge over the Bottom Dumble – with another surprising view. This is Nature at its most untidy. Up to the path on the other side, opposite a gate with a sign that must be taken seriously – give cows with young calves a wide berth, especially if you have a dog with you. Don’t push your luck here!

To the right of information display

A sign to be taken seriously

Through the gate to a field sloping up to a white gate on the far side. Pass through to two further fields with a blackberry hedgerow left, on to a corner in the third field where the track bears half left to the road. Exit via a kissing-gate left on to Lingwood Lane at Point 2.

Sloping up to a white gate

Through the small gate, on to a wide track, called Hungerhill Lane, where you may meet horse riders in the next half-mile (3/4 km), up to a well signed bridleway. Turn right here between trees where roots and mud demand care.

Gate to Hungerhill Lane

Roots and mud demand care

Slightly uphill for two fields to another bridleway sign turning you right on to a grassy path with a fine view over Wood Barn Farm to Ploughman Wood.

Another bridleway turns right

Past neat wooden steps, on over two fields with a hedgerow left, where in spring you may see small tortoiseshell butterflies playing games – or even a peacock.

Tortoiseshells playing games

Peacock butterfly

A third field, with gate to put the fence on your left, down to another gate, followed by a kissing gate, out to Lingwood Lane at Point 3. Turn right down the hill, ignoring the 1st signpost, to the 2nd one (with a metal kissing-gate) that indicates a long uphill slog to the skyline. There is no regular path, so head diagonally up to the point where the power line disappears over the hill. Follow it to a gate, checking the fine views left, through the gate and turn right, following the hedgerow round and up to what has now become Green Lane.

Long uphill slog to the skyline

Checking the fine views left

You should see a fertiliser silo on your left skyline. On reaching the road at Point 4, keep straight on and parallel to it, inside the hedgerow, as a grassy track takes you past a grass runway to the hangar of a private flying club. You may see several gleaming light aircraft outside – a fine sight. On to the road via the open gate or over a stile in front, to the road.

Reaching the road at Point 4

Several gleaming aircraft

A few yards ahead, to the left of the ‘Lambley’ road sign, find the tiny gap between hedges, continuing over 2 stiles to a small ditch by a field entrance. Ignore the path ahead behind houses. Bear left on a clear path slightly downhill, to a grass-covered mound on its left. This is believed to be a former windmill site and maybe an older beacon site, judging by charcoal fragments found here. Continue down to houses, passing through a gate into a field where horses may be present, on down to the field corner hedgerow right.

Grass-covered mound

Ignore path behind houses

Go through the first of two gates, turn left through the second into a field with a pond visible on the left. This pond and its waterfowl are favourites of the local residents. A board at the gate on the far side gives a brief history.

Cross the road carefully – hidden traffic from both sides – to the short wide lane opposite, right. At the top, go through a gate then turn right on to a clear path behind houses. Follow this for about 600 yards (metres). There may be horses in a field along here. You will soon see the ditch boards that you crossed near the start – turn right here and retrace your steps to The Lambley.

Right on to a clear path

Footpaths are subject to alteration. Please notify Brian Cluff by email of any significant changes – briancluff@talktalk.net Please check the website from time to time.

This walk is included with the agreement of Travelright Gedling. We in the Partnership extend our thanks to Travelright.

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